Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'll be back!

So very sorry, very poor blog running on my part. I had to get a day job (yeah middle management) which has detracted from my photography work some what. But post Christmas I will be back!

Things to look for:

I'm hitting McNally's workshop at Dobbs ferry in Jan! Look for a recap.

Regular shots from me on whatever I can shoot!

I'll do my best to give more lighting how-to's. But I'm no DH and I don't want to rehash strobist content. But I'll try to link to it whenever pertinent to what I'm rambling on about.

Maybe some guest posts!

Gear talk, like we all need more of that, but humor me.

Oh and uh, regular postings.......promise.

But since I haven't put anything up in awhile here you go

This was done in November. Just one SB800 just out of frame to the right. Bounced out of a 43" umbrella up at about 6 feet or so. I think I just popped it on TTL here. A little wide angle to get the streets in. A little post to pump up the color, a little softening, and bingo!

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